SEO in Nepal

What is SEO ?

SEO stands for 'Search Engine Optimization'. It is the  process of getting more traffic and affecting the visibility of a website or web pages in search engine from the free, organic or natural search results.

Generally earlier and more frequent results get more visitor in all major search engine like 'Google', 'Yahoo', 'Bing' . So everyone try to push their websites or web pages on the top of search engine but there is certain algorithms and techniques of each search engine which rank the web pages/ sites for search keyword. SEO is simply making the web pages/ sites understandable to search engine as well as People. There are many aspects to SEO words on your sites/pages to way you structured it and linking with other sites.

SEO in Nepal

Nepal is developing in the field of IT as like in other fields. Now 21,859,649 peoples uses the mobile phone for the communication, around 30% citizens uses the internet among them 73.23% uses the internet through mobile. From these data we can say millions of peoples visit different web sites  for different purpose. Rapid growing in the IT field business is also shifted from traditional method to the new technology based environment. Every business owner focused on development of official websites to grow their business.

However everyone focus only on development and publishing of websites and web pages but little no.of people care about the promotion and marketing of their product and services through Websites or simple say internet. Since Large no. of business organizations sell same product and services there is huge competition between them. If people focused on web promotion and digital marketing then their business grow obviously.

Since everyone try to digitize their business then there is huge Scope of SEO in the coming decade.