5 On-Page SEO Factors

5 On-Page SEO Factors

On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO is most imporatant for better ranking as well as successful marketing compaign. On-page SEo factors are the features of web pages that effects in search engine ranking. 5 important factors are:

  1. Content
  2. URL Structure
  3. Title and Description
  4. Speed and Trust
  5. Internal Link


Content is king of on-page SEO. Good content can make great influence even without SEO while bad content will not survive with great SEO. So content need to be unique, original, well- researched, useful and relevant. When good content is published frequently in your site people can link to it which has great impact in SEO.

URL Structure

Poor URL Structure is a regular SEO issue, that can effect in ranking, keep pages out of search engine reach sometimes which effect in ranking of particular page as well as whole websites. URL need to be straightforward, meaningful and accessible to achieve good ranking result. URL are of two versions www and non-www, we need to choose suitable version in google search console preferred domain. However many people use 301 redirection to point one version to another. URL need to be relevant according to the content of the pages.
Best: www.yoursitedomain.com/topic        
Worst: www.yoursitedomain.com/12aedc   

In URL structure use hyphenes(-) instead of underscore (_) to connect the words of the phrases. Creation of XML Sitemap makes easy to crawl the different pages of your sites so create XML sitemap and close irrelevant pages using ROBOTS.TXT file.

Title and Description

Title and description both important for SEO. Title tells both search engine and users what your page about while description used to provide information about a web page for the search engine and websites users. Title should be a maximum of 70 characters including spaces. We can place focused keywords in title however placement, separation and relevancy matters in ranking of page. Description does not influence in search algorithm however it affects in CTR(click through rate). Description should be a maximum of 155 characters including spaces and must be descriptive, potent and interesting for users.

Speed and Trust

Page speed and site speed also matter in ranking of web pages. page speed is the times takes to display full content of the specific page. On average e-commerce site take 7 sec to load page but ideal load time is 3/4 sec. Speed has an impact on your audience user experience, bad user experience cost on ranking. if user need to wait long time they will close your website and also slow page load is penalized by the search engine which effects in your ranking. However we can minimize these effects by enable compression, minimizing css, javascript, optimizing images, reduce redirects etc.
Information published on your webpages need to be trusty, genuine and relevant according to titles of the pages  which impact on the trust of the sites and ultimately effect on the ranking.

Internal Linking

Internal link is a one that point to another pages within same domain. we can use target keywords in anchor text and can point to another pages which enables

  1. More reading options for audience.
  2. information hierarchy for a websites.
  3. Improvement in ranking for certain keywords.
  4. helps Search engine to crawl the sites.
  5. spread link juice for that websites.

Five Things To consider for good SEO

Different Search engines focus on different factors to rank Search result according to algorithms. However these factors have biggest impact on SERP.

5 things for good SEO

Site Speed and accessibility

You may have unique content, more traffic and social engagement .But if your site is not properly access, index or crawl by search engine it give zero impact on SEO. So websites need to be easily accessible for both search engine and as well as audience.

According to Google site speed has less impact nearly 1% in the ranking however every users want fast and responsive sites. pages with longer loading time tend to have higher bounce rate and lower conversion rate which impact on the ranking. In addition, slow page speed means search engine crawl less pages in allocated crawl time which may have negative impact in Indexation of web pages. So to achieve good rank websites need have high speed time as well as accessible for search engine as well as Users.

Mobile Friendliness

On April 21, 2015 google release a new mobile friendly ranking algorithms which boost the mobile friendly site in google search page result. So every site need to mobile friendly. Since more search are performed from mobile in many different country then every webmaster, SEOs and content marketer need to think about it for mobile optimized sites. To optimize the site for mobile users we need to a focus on page speed, site design, mobile site configurations, use of flash pop-ups, and many more.

Keyword Research

Keyword is search term or phrases that help to find website through search engine. keyword research is important in prospect of SEO, for keyword analysis different tools are available. Using available tools we can analyse the required keywords with their Search volume and competition. Depending on the purpose of the web pages/sites we can choose keywords suitable for us. However the placement and density of keywords used also matter on the SERP, Keyword stuffing may have negative impaxt on rank so we need to choose best keyword and their placement in the Content of web pages .

Link Bulding

Link building has biggest impact in SEO, However quality and relevancy of Link may differ the ranking of sites. Link coming from trusted or high page Ranked site and relevant or similar purpose sites improves the rank of our site so we need to connect with trusted  and relevant site during link building.  Bad link and broken link effect on the ranking of sites so we need to avoid these type of links in oue sites.

Social Media

Social media is one important factors in SEO nowadays. Every site owner focus on the promotion of their site through social media which is also called Social Media Marketing (SMM). When people engaged in Social media which effects on the traffic of Site so people spend time and money for SMM. Facebook, Twitter, instagram, Google Plus are the popular social media however there are huge number of social media sites. Every sites use social media icon and social media sharing options in their sites to increase the social media engagement.