Everyone confused which version WWW or non-WWW is better for SEO?
There is no significant difference between WWW and non-WWW however they are different little bit in technical aspect. It's a completely personal preference whether to use WWW or non-WWW for your site and google does canonicalization to decide which URL is better if several no. of URLs pointing to the same resource.
WWW vs non-WWW : Difference
WWW in front of acts site's URL acts as host name which can help you with flexibility in DNS. WWW have CNAME(Cannonical Name) records. If your site is small and there is only few millions of page views per month then there is no problem with non-WWW version also. But if your website is massive large and there is millions of page views per day, then WWW is preferred over non-WWW because WWW deploy redundant hosts to restrict cookies.
Google doesn't preferred particular version however it depends on your personal preference. You can use Google Search Console to set preferred version of your website URL and can use 301 redirection to redirect one version to another which is beneficial for SEO. However, when people search particular websites most of them entered WWW although this trend is changed in recent stats. I have checked the WWW and non-WWW trend of Google in 2016 which is shown in below info graphs.
Since, people searched more WWW than non-WWW then obviously WWW has mnemonics advantage over the naked domain names.